Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bargain Basement - What?!

Growing up in Atlanta, the best spot for a deal was the "Bargain Basement" in Rich's downtown store. Located literally under the street beneath the bridge which connected two parts of the store, it was a true jumble sale in a era when merchandise in the store was not always on sale like it is now.
"Where is The Bargain Basement Room?" you ask. Well, it's not really a basement. It's located on the ground floor of our guest house building adjacent to the Inn, underneath The Guest House Apartment (a two bedroom, one bath efficiency with deck).

"Does it have windows?" Yes, in fact, it has three: two in the bedroom and one in the bath. They are small and the ceilings are slightly lower than normal. But the room is cute & comfortable, and has a private bath with the world's smallest shower (think cruise ship).

"Why is it so cheap?" Long ago, we decided to keep one room at an affordable rate as our gift to those who want to enjoy Highlands on a budget. It's not for everyone, but if you're looking for a deal on a room with a great breakfast and afternoon refreshments, this is it!

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